Doctoral student performs Sandwich Doctorate at CAPES-PRINT in Manchester, England

In the period from September 9, 2019 to February 28, 2020, Tamires Patrícia Souza, student of the Graduate Program at the School of Nursing (FEnf), completed a Doctorate Sandwich Abroad through the Institutional Internationalization Program - CAPES - PrInt at the University of Manchester, Manchester, England.

At the University visited, the student performed activities at the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) under the supervision and in person guidance of Professor Martie Van Tongeren and remotely by the FEnf Collaborating Professor, Prof. Dr. Inês Monteiro.

Analyzes of the data collected in Brazil were carried out in order to introduce them to the Advanced REACH Tool (ART). ART is a tool used to infer the level of environmental contamination to which workers are exposed in their workplaces, in an attempt to reduce the risk related to illness.

Still, periodic meetings were held with Professor Martie and Professor Inês in order to outline the works that would be produced in this period, in addition to deepening the knowledge of the technologies and information used in the United Kingdom to prevent health problems arising from work activities.

From this academic partnership, at least two manuscripts will be produced, one of which is in the correction phase and the other in the preparation phase. In addition, other academic activities may be maintained and carried out in conjunction with Professor Martie and his team and the Faculty of Nursing at Unicamp.

In a statement, the student says that “this type of experience is very rewarding, enriches and generates extremely important intellectual, academic and personal growth, both for academic / professional and personal life. The contact with other cultures, other ways of thinking and developing research make us realize the importance of our work as researchers and how much we need to leave our comfort zone so that the best results are obtained. It is undoubtedly an opportunity that everyone with an interest should participate ”.

The School of Nursing congratulates the student for the activities and partnerships developed and aims to be very successful in the results obtained.


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