Dr. Luciana Melo from School of Nursing - UNICAMP receives 1st place in the Edith Magalhães Fraenkel Prize at the 20th National Seminar on Nursing Research - SENPE in Rio de Janeiro

At the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ from June 24 to 28, 2019, the 20th National Seminar on Nursing Research - SENPE and the 1st International Seminar on Nursing Research - SINPE, thematic scientific event, was held for the purpose to bring together nurses, nurses and other professionals, who have developed their professional practice in the fields of research, teaching and / or care; students of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, students of the nursing technical courses to discuss and reflect on the directions of nursing science, its expansion and consolidation in times of crisis, greater exposure of people to vulnerabilizing conditions and shortage of funding.

The National Seminar on Nursing Research - SENPE has been building history for 40 years and is in its 20th version. Five days of meetings, debates, reflections, construction of understandings, establishment of political guidelines for the development of training and qualification of researchers, for the production, dissemination, dissemination and translation of scientific knowledge in nursing. The novelty of this 20th version of SENPE was the inauguration of the 1st International Seminar on Nursing Research / 1st International Seminar on Nursing Research / 1st International Seminar on Nursing Research - 1st SINPE.

The Faculties of Nursing of UNICAMP was represented in an illustrious way by Prof. Dr. Luciana de Lione Melo, who received the 1st place in the Edith Magalhães Fraenkel Prize with the work "Growing in the absence of the mother: experiences of children during the maternal prison" of coauthorization of Prof. Dr. Circéa Amália Ribeiro.

The FEnf congratulates the teacher for the awards and for her unceasing will to grow.

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