Secretary of Graduate Nursing Program – UNICAMP accomplished a technical visit at Linnaeus University - Sweden

   From May 6th to 17th, 2019, the secretary of Graduate Nursing Programa Letícia Fabiane Zanotto, assigned and responsible for the Communication Department of the School of Nursing, participated in the "Santander Mobility of Staff Program", making a visit at Linnaeus University at the Växjö, Kalmar and Ljungby campuses, Sweden.

   In the first week, the activities were divided between visits of the three campuses, knowing the physical and curricular structure of the Nursing course, the places where students perform practical activities on campus, hospitals and participation in a Simulation test, as well meetings with responsible for the University's Department of Health Sciences. In the second and last week, the servant participated in the International Staff Training Week, an event promoted by Linnaeus University for internationalization employees from partner universities around the world. Participants from countries such as Sweden, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, The United States, Russia, Armenia, South Africa, Japan, Hong Kong, China, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, England and Tunisia.

   Linnaeus University is one of the country's newest universities and the sixth largest in enrollment, as well as being one of Sweden's most international universities. Charlotte presented the University as a whole and was divided into 7 units: Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Faculty of Technology, Board of Teacher Education and Institute of Police Education.

   The University has 800 bilateral exchange and networking agreements (almost 500 in Europe under the Erasmus program), bilateral partners in Asia, Oceania, North and South America, Africa, approximately 750 students who come in exchange each year (2000 international students in total) and approximately 290 students attending each year in exchange. The University annually promotes Summer School programs, 3 to 5 week courses in various areas, where academic, orientation and leisure activities are carried out, in order to create an integration between Linnaeus University students and foreign students.

   Leticia's participation added greater proximity between UNICAMP and Linnaeus University in the existing agreement, in addition to networking with universities in other countries.


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