Parceria entre Linnaeus University e FEnf-Unicamp se concretiza em 2019!

   A vinda das alunas de Graduação de Nina Franksson e Rebecca Forsling em janeiro de 2019,  trouxe oportunidade de troca de experiência, de informação e de vivência muito ricas para ambas instituições de ensino.

   Após as apresentações formais, citadas em notícia anterior, as alunas tiveram também a oportunidade de visitar o Serviço de Saúde Dr. Cândido Ferreira, organização filantrópica, sem fins lucrativos, que tem como missão promover a inclusão social de pessoas com transtornos mentais, o Centro Infantil Boldrini, o Hospital Dia (HC) que atende pacientes  portadores de doenças infectocontagiosas, especialmente Aids na forma ambulatorial, as Unidades Básicas de Saúde do São Bernardo e do Village, atividades com alunas do curso de Enfermagem e contato com pesquisadoras da Faculdade de Enfermagem e em seus laboratórios de pesquisa experimental sobre obesidade e diabetes, entre outros.

   Além das atividades acadêmicas, Nina e Rebecca também realizaram atividades sociais e culturais que envolveram todo suporte e apoio de funcionários e alunos da FEnf. Tantas experiências resultaram no envio de uma carta escrita pelas alunas, apontando os aspectos mais marcantes da experiência:

"Dear Professor Isabel.

During our nursing education at the linnaeus university, we were given the opportunity to visit another country during an elective course to study the country's current health care. When we were informed that Brazil had just become available to receiving students from the linnaeus university, it became our first choice. This is because Brazil have attracted both of us and we have heard a lot of positive things about the country and Unicamp.

Here is our summary of our experiences from our time at Unicamp.

There were many similarities between the Swedish and Brazilian health care services, but also some differences. We had a lot to learn from your way of working and how nursing education is designed. Our visit at Unicamp was very rewarding.

One of the benefits of your nursing education was that all students have to spend time in the sterilization department, which we do not have in Sweden. This increases the understanding of the importance of sterilization and the cooperation between the caring units and the sterilization unit, which we now understand is an important part of the profession.

Another benefit for your nursing students is that the education is longer and includes more time for internship at the hospital. However, we believe that it is a disadvantage to always have a professor with the students during practice. In Sweden we have a registered nurse who is the supervisor for us during our practice. We feel that this gives us the chance of more independent work and increased confidence in our own competence. This also increases the chances for us to get into teamwork and feel like one of the staff.

We were very impressed by the university hospital because of its size and the specialized departments and sections. In Kalmar, for example, we do not have a hospital solely for women or children.

Another difference we noticed in the hospital was the hygiene routines that did not seem to be followed as strictly as it is done in Sweden. For example, disposable plastic apron was not used on all departments during work near patients, also rings and nail polishes were often used by the staff, which we experience is not common in Sweden. In Sweden you are not allowed to wear your own clothes during working hours, but must wear the clothes that the hospital provides. These clothes have to be returned after each working session and must not be taken home and washed privately.

After discussions with hospital staff, we understood that the resources in the healthcare system is more limited in comparison with the Swedish healthcare system. This turned out, among other things, with the nurse's salary and the number of patients per nurse during a working shift.

Something else we noticed was the amount of time the nurses got to do their their daily reports between the working shifts. In Sweden, we have an overlap between work shifts of 1.5 hours. During this time, the new staff reads the journals of the patients and to do their daily reports among the staff, which we perceive is increasing patient safety.

There was also a lot of similarities with the Swedish healthcare system. For example, we have similar laws that protect patients and healthcare professionals, which is very good. Something that were similar, but still different, is a public health system that exists in both countries. What distinguished this is that the patients in Brazil do not have to pay anything, while in Sweden you pay a small amount for medication, each visit and time spent in the hospital. Similar is also the division of labor for nurses and technical nurses and their similar responsibilities. Just like in Brazil, Sweden also have specialist educations to offer the nurse after their general nursing education.

What we appreciate the most from our visit at Unicamp are all fantastic people we have had the opportunity to meet. Everyone has greeted us with love and respect and we felt incredibly welcome right away. The schedule during the visit was well constructed and fulfilled all our wishes.

This trip has been incredibly rewarding and has become a beautiful memory for life.

We want to thank everyone who participated in our visit and made the trip a wonderful experience.


With love, Nina and Rebecca"


   A Faculdade de Enfermagem agradece todos os envolvidos nesta visita, às unidades visitadas, aos enfermeiros dos diferentes setores e em especial à Profa. Dra. Maria Isabel Pedreira de Freitas, que com todo carinho e cuidado buscou um planejamento rico em atividades diversas para as alunas, sempre disposta a ajudar e com uma energia enorme em acolhê-las da melhor forma possível, calor este que resultou numa alteração do cronograma previamente definido, pois ao longo da visita observou-se a necessidade de novas atividades, pois o interesse e a curiosidade despertada nas alunas foram enormes.

  Agradecemos à Professora Judy Chow pela perseverança e objetividade em sua visita que em curto espaço de tempo, que criou um vínculo que dificilmente será quebrado. E Nina e Rebecca, agradecemos pela vontade de conhecer nosso país, nossa gente e nossa Universidade!

Ainda uma vez, e nunca repetitivo,

A Faculdade de Enfermagem parabeniza todos os envolvidos e anseia mais parcerias e visitas para que possamos mostrar nossos diferencias para o mundo! 


*As atividades realizadas pelas alunas junto ao nosso corpo docente, discente, de funcionários e parceiros de ensino e saúde encontra-se abaixo em fotos!


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