Doctoral student performs Sandwich Doctorate at CAPES-PRINT in Manchester, England

In the period from September 9, 2019 to February 28, 2020, Tamires Patrícia Souza, student of the Graduate Program at the School of Nursing (FEnf), completed a Doctorate Sandwich Abroad through the Institutional Internationalization Program - CAPES - PrInt at the University of Manchester, Manchester, England.

Secretary of Graduate Nursing Program – UNICAMP accomplished a technical visit at Linnaeus University - Sweden

   From May 6th to 17th, 2019, the secretary of Graduate Nursing Programa Letícia Fabiane Zanotto, assigned and responsible for the Communication Department of the School of Nursing, participated in the "Santander Mobility of Staff Program", making a visit at Linnaeus University at the Växjö, Kalmar and Ljungby campuses, Sweden.